On-site Support

On-Site technology support varies greatly from a scheduled appointment to an emergency. No matter what the situation, Advanced Network Consulting’s team of technicians provides solutions of your business’s current predicament, while focusing on the long term effects. In other words, we can remedy your current situation, but make sure that it doesn’t create any other issues.

On-site support includes, but is not limited to:
Adware Removal
Anti-Virus Removal
Anti-Spam Removal
Backup Solutions
Content Filtering
Desktop Upgrades
Email Support
Laptop Upgrades
Network Cabling
Network Maintenance
Network Upgrades
Security Assessments
Server Maintenance
Spyware Removal
Staff Support & Training

Our technicians maintain communication with you and your staff and will provide a summary of the work performed. We do not leave the premises without checking to see that everything is running smoothly and your staff is satisfied.

There are many other aspects of on-site support, all of which are custom tailored to your company’s needs and wants. An initial complimentary meeting with you and your company officers sets the foundation for your needs analysis, and at any time can and should be be re-evaluated and discussed.


Click HERE to schedule a complimentary evaluation.

We look forward to helping your business grow.