Network Security

A network that isn’t properly configured, can be vulnerable to hackers, identity thieves and other threats. That’s bad news for your business … and your customers. Additionally, the legal penalties for such a security breach (that is preventable) can be enormous.

We use state-of-the-art security techniques as Advanced Network Consulting to provide authorized personnel access to important files and applications while keeping the ‘bad guys’ out.

Every organization is unique, and as a result each organization’s needs are different. Hackers are always changing their techniques, so we stay up to date with the latest network security techniques, tools, threats and developments within the industry.

We use proven methods and techniques to develop a comprehensive security plan, tailored to your specific data and network security needs, recommending the right technology tools and services to safeguard your data and computer network, including:

Network Security Threat Assessment: We’ll conduct on-site but affordable analysis of your network’s vulnerability to hackers, viruses, spyware and other network threats. We will report findings on all discovered security vulnerabilities, network risks, procedural problems and the resulting implications, as well as recommendations for technical solutions, specific software, security Hardware, tools and implementation steps to resolve these network security issues.

Network Security Consulting: from to intrusion detection to firewall installation services, our industry certified consultants will ensure your computer network resources and infrastructure are safe.

Virtual Private Network (VPN): our security experts will design and install full time secure-access Internet and network connections between your branch offices as well as telecommuters and traveling staff.

Firewall Installation: we will install and configure a secure Cisco or SonicWall hardware firewall to create a secure barrier between the Internet and your organization’ network resources.

Managed Security Services: to insure the highest level of security, we can provide proactive, continuous monitoring of your network’s firewall devices, Anti-Virus solution, Ant-Spam device, and general overall health of your business network.


We offer a no pressure, complimentary one hour network assessment.  This includes network security assessment, technology planning and implementation.  To schedule an appointment, click HERE.  We look forward to providing your business with profitable, more productive IT Solutions.